
Magpie Concept Unveils “Gwelo Frame”: Revolutionizing Disease Awareness on International Days

In a bid to empower healthcare bodies and pharmaceutical companies to effectively raise awareness about diseases on international observance days, Magpie Concept, has introduced a new service called “Gwelo Frame.” This groundbreaking platform aims to enhance the impact of disease awareness campaigns and foster greater engagement on social media. The Power of Twibbons and Disease Awareness: As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so does the way we support causes and bring attention to important issues. Twibbons, a fusion of “Twitter” and “ribbon,” have emerged as a popular means of displaying support for various social and humanitarian causes. By overlaying profile pictures with twibbons, individuals and organizations can showcase their commitment to specific initiatives, making it a powerful tool for creating awareness and inspiring action. Gwelo Frame: Elevating Disease Awareness to New Heights: With a clear focus on healthcare bodies and pharma companies, Magpie Concept’s Gwelo Frame takes twibbons to a whole new level. This service not only offers a diverse array of pre-designed twibbons for various diseases but also provides a unique customization feature. Healthcare organizations can now tailor twibbons to suit their specific disease awareness campaigns, incorporating branding elements and targeted messaging. Advancing Global Health Initiatives: The launch of Gwelo Frame is especially timely, given the increasing importance of disease awareness in the international arena. Global health observance days play a crucial role in shedding light on diseases, educating the public, and encouraging proactive measures. By utilizing Gwelo Frame, healthcare bodies and pharma companies can amplify their outreach efforts, effectively reaching a broader audience and fostering a sense of unity in the fight against diseases. Supporting the Mission of Improved Health: Magpie Concept’s commitment to driving positive change in the world is at the core of the Gwelo Frame service. By facilitating disease awareness campaigns on international days, the platform contributes to the broader mission of promoting improved health, early detection, and timely interventions. Gwelo Frame becomes an enabler for positive action, where every twibbon shared becomes a beacon of hope and support for those affected by diseases worldwide. Joining Hands for a Healthier Future: As Gwelo Frame paves the way for healthcare bodies and pharma companies to engage effectively in disease awareness initiatives, we invite professionals, activists, and advocates to come together in this noble endeavor. By utilizing the power of social media and Gwelo Frame’s personalized twibbons, we can make a tangible difference in the fight against diseases and progress towards a healthier, more informed global community. With Gwelo Frame, let’s unite our profiles, voices, and hearts to create an unstoppable force for disease awareness and a brighter, healthier future for all.

Magpie Concept Unveils “Gwelo Frame”: Revolutionizing Disease Awareness on International Days Read More »

Medication pack with a QR code, which is an important solution for pharma companies by Gwelo

The Role of QR codes in Pharma Industry – GWELO can Help!

QR codes have gained a lot of popularity in recent years in different industries. One of the fields where these codes have proved to be very useful is the pharmaceutical industry. QR codes have revolutionized the pharma field by providing a fast and convenient way to access information about drugs, their usage, and other essential details. QR codes are two-dimensional barcodes that can store a large amount of information in a small space. The codes can be scanned using smartphones or other devices equipped with a camera, and the information is quickly retrieved. In the pharmaceutical industry, QR codes are typically printed on drug packages, labels, or promotional materials. One of the primary uses of QR codes in the pharma industry is to provide easy access to information about drugs. Patients and healthcare professionals can scan the codes to access information about the medication, its uses, dosage, side effects, and other essential details. This information can help patients make informed decisions about their health and help healthcare professionals prescribe drugs more effectively. Additionally, it can also be used in marketing and promotional materials. For example, pharmaceutical companies can print QR codes on promotional materials such as brochures, flyers, and posters, allowing customers to quickly access information about the company’s products. This can help to increase brand awareness and sales. Moreover, it can be used to provide support and education for patients. For example, these codes can be used to link to videos or other resources that provide patients with information about how to take their medication properly, how to manage side effects, and how to prevent drug interactions. Finally, it is used to track and authenticate drugs. Counterfeit drugs are a major problem in the pharmaceutical industry, and they can pose serious health risks to patients. QR codes can be used to track the movement of drugs from the manufacturer to the consumer, helping to prevent counterfeiting and ensuring that patients receive genuine drugs. GWELO is an online platform that allows pharmaceutical companies to create, update and manage product SmPC and generate unique QR codes for printed and digital assets. The user-friendly platform and admin area enable insight generation and tracking of scanned codes which can be crucial for some projects. In conclusion, QR codes have played a significant role in the pharmaceutical industry by providing an easy and convenient way to access information about drugs, tracking and authenticating drugs, providing patient support and education, and promoting pharmaceutical products. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that it will continue to play an important role in the pharma field, helping to improve patient outcomes and prevent counterfeit drugs. Read more about about the same topic.

The Role of QR codes in Pharma Industry – GWELO can Help! Read More »